Connect Jira (Incident Management)


Connecting Jira to WayFinder to include incident management data.

In order to get Time To Restore and Change Failure Rate metrics, you need to add an Incident Management data source for your product in WayFinder. Connecting your Jira incidents can provide this data.


To configure your connector, we require the following fields to be entered:

  • Jira API User Email (ie.
  • Jira User API Key (ie. **************)
  • Jira Domain (ie. 'devopsrocks' if the address is
  • Project ID (ie. 'DOR' if the address is

Helpful links:


By default, Jira tokens expire in one year. When you create an API token, you can set the token to expire from one to 365 days. It is your responsibility to manage token within WayFinder.

Define how you filter incidents in Jira

You can specify how you identify Jira tickets as incidents by filling in the following fields:

  • Filter by Issue Type [bug | task | story]
  • Filter by Priority [Optional String] (if a value is provided we'll filter jira tickets which contain this priority)
    ie. "critical", "high,critical", "incident", "p1", "p2"...
  • Filter by Summary [Optional String] (if a value is provided we'll filter jira tickets which contain this summary)
    ie. "[bug]", "p1"...
  • Filter by Label [Optional String] (if a value is provided we'll filter jira tickets which contain this label).
    ie. "ProductionIncident", "p1"...

Least Privilege and Least Data

We aim to ingest only the minimum data possible to provide you with metrics. For Jira you remain in control of this by authorising WayFinder with the user API token key pair.